Find your fare within few clicks with the fare selector. It’s easy, just enter your city of departure and arrival to get the available fares and their prices.
Fare selector
Fare selector
* The age 6-11 fare applies to children traveling alone. These children can travel for free on public transit if they are accompanied . Conditions apply.
This tool presents transit fares for a trip between selected municipalities. Other transit fares may be suitable under certain conditions.
Please remember that this is not a trip planner.
Fare schedule
An accessible version of the fare schedule is available upon request. Please send your request to

Free at all times for children
Children aged 11 and under can travel anywhere for free at all times by bus, train and metro while under the supervision of a person aged 14 and up. This person must have a valid transit pass and may not accompany more than five children aged 6 to 11.
See also

Find out more about the fare reform